Kuro Engine

Kuro Engine

Intelligent PC Builder

India`s Most Intelligent Custom PC Builder with built-in Benchmarks, FPS Scores, Compatibility checks. Select Resolution, FPS, Platform or Brands, Budget, Start PLAYING

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India`s Most Intelligent Custom PC Builder with built-in Benchmarks, FPS Scores, Compatibility checks. Select Resolution, FPS, Platform or Brands, Budget, Start PLAYING


Choose from a wide range of available games that you want to play. Be it Casual Games, e-Sports, First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy (RTS) Games or Turned Based Games. We got them all covered!

Quality of Experience

Games are best consumed with zero stutters, lag and at optimum Resolution and High FPS or Refresh Rates
Choose your desired
Resolution: 1080p (Full HD) or 2K (1440p)
FPS: Standard 60 FPS or High Refresh rate of 100 FPS or more, especially for e-Sports


Pick from your favourite Platform or Brands, be it Intel Core, AMD`s new Ryzen CPUs
or AMD Radeon or nVidia GTX, RTX line of GPUs


When it comes to Gaming Hardware or PCs in general, Budget always plays a crucial role.
So just set your desired budget range and let us handle all the number crunching to bring out the most Bang for Buck Builds


Pick the best build recommendation that suits your needs or play with it by customizing the KURO ENGINE builds to suit your needs, using the Customization option.
or just send the UNIQUE BUILD LINK to your peeps for a second opinion